What Is The Difference Between The MT4 And MT5 Trading Platform

The main difference between MT4 And MT5 lies in their design. At the same time, both feature comprehensive charting tools and analytical capabilities, and they employ different approaches to producing technical indicators and automated trading strategies. Additionally, the programming language used by each platform also differs significantly.

By examining the primary differences between each system, this article seeks to provide further insight into how they operate so traders can decide which platform best suits their individual needs and objectives.

An overview Of Mt4 And Mt5

Metatrader 4 (MT4) and Metatrader 5 (MT5) are among the most popular trading platforms globally, with more than 3 million traders using them daily. Developed by MetaQuotes Software Corporation, these platforms have become widely used for online forex and CFD trading.

A useful video providing insights of which version you should use

MT4 is a powerful yet simple trading software designed primarily for retail foreign exchange traders who need fast execution and reliable pricing data. This platform supports automated trading systems known as Forex Robots or Expert Advisors (EAs). It also offers advanced charting features such as multiple time frames, customizable indicators, technical analysis tools, and backtesting capabilities. Additionally, MT4 includes built-in news feeds from major financial sources, allowing users to stay current on market developments.

On the other hand, MT5 was released several years after MT4 in 2010 to meet the needs of investors seeking greater flexibility regarding asset classes like stocks and commodities. Unlike its predecessor, which only supported forex markets, MT5 can be used across a wider range of instruments, including futures contracts, options, bonds, and equities.

As well as having many similar characteristics to MT4, such as customizable charts and EAs, it also has some unique features like enhanced Fundamental Analysis options and Market Depth view that give traders more insight into market movements.

Similarities Between The Platforms

MT4 and MT5 are built on innovative technology and share many similarities in capabilities and features. They provide similar charting tools for technical analysis and different order types, such as stop loss and market orders.

Another key similarity is their compatibility with custom forex robots, third-party software programs, and plugins which allow traders to automate different trading strategies. Both platforms support algorithmic trading through automated forex robots or Expert Advisors (EAs). Both also provide many customizable indicators and objects for technical analysis.

The two platforms also feature similar risk management functionalities, such as margin control options and leverage limits. It allows traders to manage their account balance more effectively while reducing their exposure to market volatility. Additionally, each platform provides an extensive library of educational resources – from user guides to webinars – which helps new users learn how to use the platform quickly.

Both MT4 and MT5 prioritize data security by using advanced encryption technologies such as SSL certificates for authentication purposes. It ensures that all transactions passing through either platform remain secure. The two platforms share many common features despite having different architectures; this makes it easier for traders who switch between the two platforms without needing too much time to adapt themselves to their environment.

User Interface

The Mt4 and Mt5 trading platforms have some clear distinctions when it comes to their user interface. Technology has come a long way since manual trading, so both offer a modernized approach with an intuitive design. However, they are built on different foundations that set them apart from each other in terms of visual appeal and efficiency.

On the one hand, MT4 is based on Windows OS, which gives its users access to a wide range of custom-built tools and apps for faster execution speeds. Its platform also offers nine timeframes, numerous indicators, and graphical objects such as lines, shapes, and arrows that can be dragged onto charts allowing traders to customize their view according to preferences. Furthermore, orders are placed directly on the chart making placing trades easier than ever.

A forex trader using MT4 software on a laptop

Conversely, MT5 is based on Metatrader 5’s proprietary scripting language called MQL5, giving users advanced programming capabilities within the platform, providing various additional features not available in previous versions, such as more order types like pending orders or hedging options along with 21 different timeframes compared to 9 in MT4. Moreover, market depth data lets users see real-time quotes, including all bids and ask prices, so traders know exactly when to place their orders.

Overall, while there are differences between these two platforms in their user interfaces, both provide comprehensive solutions for managing operations related to financial markets regardless of experience level or technical aptitude.

Execution Speeds

The MT4 and MT5 trading platforms differ significantly in terms of execution speeds:

  1. The MT4 platform is known for its superior speed. Its algorithm processes trades quickly and accurately without any delays or errors.
  2. The MT5 platform has a more complex architecture which can cause slower trade processing times as it takes longer to process each transaction.
  3. MT4 offers one-click trading, while MT5 requires multiple clicks to execute a trade.
  4. When comparing both platforms against each other regarding overall performance, MT4 typically outperforms MT5 regarding faster order execution time.

In terms of differences between the two platforms regarding their respective execution speeds:

  1. The MT4 trading platform has an efficient algorithm resulting in fast trade processing times with no delays or errors
  2. The MT5 platform’s more intricate architecture results in slower order execution compared to the MT4 platform
  3. Trading on the MT4 platform can be done via one click, whereas the same function on the MT5 requires multiple steps
  4. Overall performance comparison shows that orders are executed faster on MT4 than they are on the MT5

Considering these key points, traders must carefully assess their needs before deciding on either platform for executing transactions. Different strategies require different levels of efficiency and precision from a trading platform’s architecture and design features.

Charting Capabilities

MT4 and MT5 both offer extensive charting functionality. The MT4 charts predominantly analyze FX markets, providing a comprehensive range of technical indicators to help with price analysis. MT5, however, offers further functionality than MT4 for charting tools allowing traders to analyze stock market data through drawing and analytical tools.

For time frames available on both platforms, they have nine ranging from one minute to monthly periods; MT5 also includes three additional built-in timeframes, which are 2 minutes, 8 hours, and one week. It can be helpful for traders who require custom periodicity or need higher-resolution graphics.

Additionally, each platform has its own unique set of graphical styles, which can be applied to the bars or candlesticks that make up their charts. The style options are greater on MT5 than on MT4 due to its advanced programming capabilities.

forex trading charting on MT5

Another important difference between these two platforms is volume tracking within the charts. While MT4 only tracks volumes executed through its servers, allowing traders to easily identify possible support/resistance levels using buy/sell volume patterns, MT5 offers much more detailed information about traded volumes, including tick volume profiles over different types of intervals like day, week, and month.

This feature makes it easier for traders to find potentially profitable trade opportunities that may go unnoticed by simply looking at standard bar charts alone.

Both platforms offer efficient charting capabilities, but depending on individual needs and preferences, either could prove advantageous.

Algorithmic Trading Options

MT5 has several distinct features that set it apart from its predecessor.

First, MT5 provides greater flexibility in terms of order types compared to MT4. It also offers more time frames but does not provide backward compatibility with existing EAs developed for the MT4 platform, meaning users must switch if they want access to the latest technology. Additionally, there are different rules surrounding hedging on the two platforms; At the same time, hedging is allowed on MT4 accounts, and only netting positions are permitted on MT5 accounts meaning all opened trades must be closed before another can be placed.

Regarding market analysis instruments such as technical indicators and oscillators, MT5 boasts significantly more options than those available on MT4 – over 38 additional indicators have been added, allowing traders deeper insights into their data sets. Furthermore, advanced graphical objects such as Gann fans and Fibonacci arcs are available in addition to lines and other shapes, making visual analysis far easier for experienced traders.

The ability to trade commodities and stocks makes up one final major difference between the platforms. These markets were not previously accessible through MT4, although a third-party plugin was required. On the other hand, traders using an account linked to an exchange can take advantage of these instruments straight away using the default settings in MT5.

With so many advantages both platforms offer, it’s no wonder why brokers continue to support them despite their differences. Each platform caters to particular preferences amongst traders, so having multiple versions gives customers choices depending on their individual needs.

Forex Robots – Expert Advisors (EAs)

One of the key differences between the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platforms is the Expert Advisors (EAs) feature. EAs are automated strategies that allow traders to automate their trades, monitor market conditions continuously, and take action when certain criteria are met.

On MT4, traders can create custom-built EAs using the MQL programming language or purchase existing ones from third parties. In contrast, MT5 has an in-built library of pre-programmed EAs that users cannot modify and must be purchased directly through the platform.

Another difference between these two platforms is how they support complex technical analysis tools. While both systems have a variety of built-in indicators for analyzing price movements, MT4 offers more advanced analytical features, such as backtesting capabilities and graphical objects for charting purposes.

Furthermore, it provides access to additional resources like libraries containing thousands of expert advisors developed by experienced traders worldwide. By contrast, MT5 does not offer any of these features and instead relies upon its pre-programmed library of EAs for comprehensive technical analysis.

a forex robot in front of a chart

Finally, these two trading platforms have minor differences in order types, hedging capabilities, and margin requirements, which may affect how individual traders choose to operate within each environment. Both systems provide robust risk management tools, but ultimately it will come down to personal preference when deciding which platform suits your trading style best. It is important to thoroughly research both options before deciding which one works best for your specific needs.

Risk Management Tools

The previous section discussed the advantages of Expert Advisors (EAs) in automated trading. It is time to delve into risk management tools traders use on MT4 and MT5 platforms. Risk management is a kind of insurance policy for traders that can help protect their capital from unexpected losses due to market volatility or other factors. It allows them to manage their exposure while ensuring ample protection against downturns.

MT4 offers users access to numerous features such as stop-loss orders, trailing stops, and limit orders, allowing traders to set predetermined levels at which trades will close automatically if certain conditions are met. Additionally, there are various charting options available with MT4, including indicators, oscillators, Fibonacci retracements, and more which assist traders when analyzing past price movements and making predictions about future ones.

MT5, on the other hand, provides additional flexibility for those looking for advanced risk management tools. These include hedging capabilities, spread monitoring widgets, margin call alerts, and more sophisticated order types like fill or kill orders, enabling traders to quickly exit positions without waiting until after the current bar closes.

Furthermore, MT5 incorporates an economic calendar into its interface so that users can stay up-to-date with important events impacting the markets they trade in; this helps them make informed decisions by understanding potential risks associated with each asset class before entering a position.

Overall, both MT4 and MT5 offer useful risk management features. Still, depending on individual needs, some may prefer one platform over the other – especially since some features found in one may not be present in the other. By carefully assessing what type of trader you are and comparing the available tools between these two popular platforms, finding the right fit for your unique trading style should be possible.

Security Features

When considering the security features of the MT4 and MT5 trading platforms, there are several key distinctions to note. The table below provides a comprehensive overview of these differences.

Security FeatureMT4MT5
Encryption128-bit RSA encryption256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Data StorageLocal storageCloud storage
Protection LevelLower levelHigher level

The MT4 platform uses 128-bit RSA encryption for data protection, while the MT5 platform utilizes 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), considered more secure than its predecessor. Additionally, how data is stored differs as MT4 stores it locally on users’ computers. In contrast, MT5 stores all data in cloud servers, allowing traders to access their accounts from any device with an internet connection. Therefore, this makes MT5 more secure due to improved control over who can view and modify user information.

Lastly, when comparing the two platforms regarding overall protection levels, the higher-grade AES encryption offered by MT5 provides a greater security assurance than what is available with MT4.

Moving forward, automated trading functionality has become increasingly popular among retail investors looking for new ways to generate returns in volatile markets.

Automated Trading Functionality

Both MT4 and MT5 differ in their automated trading functionality. MT4 offers Expert Advisors that allow trade automation for manual and automated strategies, making them very flexible. MT5, however, does not support EAs but does have a Strategy Tester tool allowing traders to undertake backtesting of strategies on historical data.

Both platforms also offer different features for automated trading. For example, they both have margin call notifications and news alerts that inform traders of market changes or upcoming events that could affect their positions. MT5 does provide a further feature called Virtual Hosting, where traders can access their trading account anywhere connected to the internet, even if their home computer is switched off.

forex robot pointing at a forex chart

With these differences between the two platforms regarding automated trading functionality come different advantages for each platform depending on what kind of trader you are looking to be and what type of strategy you plan on using. What remains consistent, however, is that no matter which platform is used, automation tools are essential in increasing efficiency when trading online currencies or stocks by allowing repetitive tasks like placing orders to be executed automatically without requiring manual input every single time.

Support For Multiple Languages

The MT4 and MT5 trading platforms offer support for multiple languages, making them accessible to a wider range of investors. The MT4 platform supports 18 languages, while the MT5 platform supports up to 34. It allows traders to access international markets more easily by allowing them to use their native language in their trades. Additionally, both platforms provide translation tools enabling users to quickly switch between various supported languages.

Regarding customization features, both platforms enable traders to customize their experience according to their individual needs and preferences. However, the MT5 platform offers much more flexibility than its predecessor as it supports custom scripts written in the MQL-5 programming language, which can be used to automate certain tasks or execute complex strategies without manual intervention.

Furthermore, the automated trading feature on the MT5 platform enables traders to create expert advisors (EAs) and indicators unavailable on the MT4 platform.

Both platforms also provide comprehensive backtesting capabilities, allowing traders to test strategies before entering real-world markets. On the other hand, the backtesting feature available on the MT5 is far more advanced than its counterpart, as it utilizes a larger sample size and more precise data points when running simulations. Both platforms offer various charting options, such as bar charts, candlesticks, Renko bars, and line graphs, providing traders with powerful visual representations of price movements over time.

Overall, both platforms have many similarities, but they differ significantly regarding details like language support and customization capabilities.

Customization Features

Despite the similarities between MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), there are key differences in customization features. While MT4 was designed as a Forex trading platform with limited functionality regarding stocks, commodities, indices, or other financial instruments, MT5 is intended to be more versatile and suitable for almost any asset class. It makes it highly customizable compared to its predecessor.

The most significant difference between the two platforms lies in the ability of traders to customize their dashboards. With MT4, traders can only use pre-defined indicators that come with the software package, whereas, with MT5, they have full control over which indicators they want on their charts. Furthermore, MT5 also allows users to create custom Expert Advisors (EAs) that will enable them to automate certain aspects of their trading strategy without manually managing each position they take.

Additionally, advanced graphical tools such as Fibonacci retracements and Gann fan lines are available on both platforms but can be further customized on MT5 according to individual preferences.

Another benefit of using MT5 is that it offers access to various market analysis tools, such as economic calendars and news feeds which provide valuable information about current market conditions. It also includes integration with multiple brokers, so traders don’t need to open several accounts to ensure they get all the data they need.

Finally, while many third-party add-ons exist for both versions of MetaTrader, some are specifically tailored for one version or another, meaning that traders may find themselves missing out on certain features if they choose not to upgrade from an older version like MT4.

MT4 forex trading software

These unique customization features offered by MetaTrader 5 set it apart from its predecessor and give traders greater flexibility when creating their strategies. As such, those who wish for a deeper level of control over how their trades look should consider upgrading from an older version like MT4 and taking advantage of these upgraded capabilities provided by this newer platform.

Cost Of Use

The cost of using the MetaTrader 4 and 5 trading platforms varies according to different factors. Generally speaking, MT4 is free for traders who open a live account with certain brokers. However, some brokers may charge additional fees for automated trading or Expert Advisors (EAs) features. On the other hand, MT5 requires an initial fee to be paid to access its full-featured version. This fee can vary depending on the broker.

For both MT4 and MT5, various costs are associated with trading activities, including commissions charged by brokers when executing trades and spreads that increase the cost of each trade. Some brokers may offer discounts and lower commission rates when executing high-volume trades through their platform. Additionally, traders must consider any swap charges they incur while holding positions overnight.

Regarding technical support, both platforms have extensive online resources available, providing comprehensive guides on using them effectively. Furthermore, most brokers offering these two platforms usually provide customer service support should further assistance be required from traders in navigating either platform’s tools and features.

Overall, traders need to research all possible costs associated with using either MT4 or MT5 before deciding which one suits their needs best. The next section looks into finding brokers offering either of these popular platforms.

Brokers Offering Mt4 Or Mt5 Platforms

Online brokers often offer either the MT4 or MT5 trading platform. Understanding the differences between these two platforms is important for traders looking to make informed decisions when selecting a broker:

  • MT4
  • Developed by MetaQuotes Software in 2005 and released in 2006, it remains one of the most popular forex trading platforms worldwide.
  • It is especially known for its charting capabilities, automated trading options, and an extensive library of free Expert Advisors (EAs).
  • MT5
  • Launched by MetaQuotes Software in 2010 as an upgrade from MT4, this newer version has expanded features that make it more suitable for stock and commodity traders than the original MT4 platform.
  • It includes several new tools, such as hedging options, market depth analysis, 21 timeframes, and many other features not found in the older version.

The availability of both versions increases choice among traders, who can choose which platform best suits their needs based on what they are comfortable using. These different trading platforms also come with varying levels of support online brokers provide; some will only offer Metatrader 4, while others may provide access to both versions. It gives traders more freedom to select a broker that offers adequate customer service and technical assistance when needed. With so many choices available, it is important to research carefully before choosing a particular broker’s services.


The debate over whether to use the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) or MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform is continuous. While MT4 has been around for longer and is more popular among traders, MT5 offers additional features that make it an attractive option for experienced investors.

Switching from one platform to another requires no technical knowledge, making it easy to do so quickly. The fees associated with both platforms are similar; however, some of MT5’s features may incur additional costs due to its advanced capabilities. For beginners interested in establishing their presence in the market, MT4 might be preferable as it is simpler and easier to navigate than its counterpart. Experienced traders who want access to more sophisticated tools should opt for MT5 instead.

Both platforms have advantages and disadvantages depending on the user’s requirements and experience level. Therefore, when deciding between MT4 or MT5, traders must consider their needs before committing to either platform.